Moreover, you can decide if ImageOptim should remove the metadata for the PNG and JPG files, or the file permissions and attributes. With the -fast flag gifski is now about as quick as ffmpeg in wall-clock time, but still generates files that are smaller and look better at the same time. Within the ImageOptim Preferences window, you can choose which optimization tools are to be enabled, and quickly adjust their power by using simple slider bars. Reduce the size of your PNG, JPEG, or GIF image files by applying various optimization technologies Noteworthy is that ImageOptim optimizes the original files, but does not remember the processed elements between sessions: you must apply the revert function before closing the app. However, if you are not satisfied with the result, select the files you want to recover and the use the “Revert to Original” option from the File menu. Via the ImageOptim Tools menu, you can choose the optimization tools you want to employ to process your images: Zopfli, PNGOUT, OptiPNG, AdvPNG, PNGCrush, JPEGOptim, Jpegtran, Jpegrescan, or Gifsicle. Effortlessly optimize your image files and find the most suitable compression parameters by making use of various tools In addition, next to each file your will be able to see its size (after the optimization), and how much space has been saved. ImageOptim automatically processes the items you added and then allows you to see them in a Finder window. You can also drop the images on top of the ImageOptim Dock icon. The ImageOptim user interface is represented by a simple window on top of which you must drag and drop the files you want to process.
Forthright software solution that instantly batch optimizes an unlimited number of image files ImageOptim is a small Mac app designed to optimize images that come in certain file formats (JPEG, PNG, or GIF).

To know how to install and use Trimage on Linux, simply visit the official website and follow the installation instructions for Linux platform.Image files usually include metadata that unnecessarily increases the file size, hence require more disk space and usually take longer to load. It optimizes PNG and JPG images at the highest lossless compression even without reducing quality. Using the service is as easy as clicking of button Optimized images are better They are more suitable for web pages, email attachments, or even storage on your disk.
Trimage is a command-line based image compressor for cross-platform including Linux. Welcome to the Free Image Optimizer Using this free online service, you can resize, compress and optimize your image files. This will compress images by up to 90% without reducing its quality. You can enable lossless image compression in ImageOptim from Preferences > Quality > Temporarily enable lossy minification. All you need to do is, install the software on your Mac, drag and drop image files on the ImageOptim, andit will automatically compress the images with the default compression settings. ImageOptim is one of the best free image optimization tools for macOS lets you compress JPG/JPEG and PNG images in seconds. Suffix: Add a suffix at the end of output files names. Output folder: Select an output folder where the compressed images should be saved. Resize: Automatically resizes selected images with compression.